Decorating Your Home With Oriental Décor

Decorating Your Home With Oriental Décor
Decorating Your Home With Oriental Décor - Decorating a home with oriental décor is one of the most popular design schemes in the United States today. There are a few different styles to choose from, such as Chinese, Japanese, or styles from ancient Asian civilizations. Many people choose to use elements from each of the different oriental décor schemes to create a unique look for their home.

Oriental décor is commonly found in furniture stores and stores specializing in home décor. The prices for these pieces may be slightly more expensive than other types of home décor due to the fact that oriental décor uses a lot of expensive items, such as gold and silk, in the creation of their styles. Many home décor manufacturers use brass instead of gold to cut the costs of creating the designs.

Shoji Screens

A popular piece of oriental décor is the shoji screen. These screens are commonly used as room dividers or privacy partitions. Most screens are created using rice paper panels painted with animals or landscapes. There are many retailers specializing in the sale of shoji screens and they can be found in almost any size shape or color.

Oriental Fans

Another popular item used in oriental décor is the oriental fan. These fans, used by geisha girls for hundreds of years, are also created from painted rice paper. The images on these fans are usually feminine with delicate scenes of birds, flowers, and trees predominately displayed. These fans are usually displayed on the wall and protected from wind, water, and handling due to their delicate nature.

The fans used in oriental décor can be quite large, up to five feet in width. The more expensive fans are hand-painted and utilized gold leaf in their designs. Less expensive fans are printed instead of painted and any gold displayed is only a color printed into the design.

Choosing Your Colors

Oriental décor is available in every color of the spectrum. While the background of the item will generally be basic black or white, the intricate designs created in the foreground can use a multitude of color or just two or three colors to produce a more dramatic effect. Oriental décor can be matched to any color scheme, which makes it one of the most popular design schemes used in apartments where the colors of the walls and carpet cannot be changed. Whatever the circumstances, there are items of oriental décor that look beautiful when incorporated into your home.

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